First Round of Stadium Series Jerseys Unveiled

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The first round of stadium series jerseys is out! Anaheim and Los Angeles, who are facing off at Dodger Stadium on January 25th, revealed their jerseys yesterday.

We were treated to a sneak preview of all of the Stadium Series logos a few weeks back, and the move left some of us scratching our heads. The New York Islanders got what was essentially an entirely new logo…

Some, like the Devils and Kings, got old logos updated…

While the rest just got chrome-ified versions of a current logo…

Now on to the jerseys.

The accent orange of the Ducks third jersey becomes the solid main of their Stadium Series jersey. They’ve abandoned the curved stripes we see on the sleeves of all three current Ducks jerseys in lieu of a straight set of stripes that only run along the outer portion of the sleeves.

The chrome logo sits in its normal position on the jersey, while on the jersey’s left shoulder, a patch with the letters “OC” sit written in the Anaheim Ducks font.

The font on the back of the jersey is quite different than their regular set. When I look at it, the word “pencil” comes to mind. It’s almost too thin a font to be on a hockey jersey.

Overall, I’m not liking this jersey too much. The orange is a bit overpowering, a far cry from the subtlety it gets on the Ducks third jersey (affectionately known as “The D” in some circles), and the half-stripes on the sleeves look just plain silly. I like the “OC” patch, but come on, you have to put it on both shoulders. With the patch and the stripes, it almost seems as if the jersey is incomplete. It’s like they ran out of time putting it together, so they had to leave some stuff off. For a team with a pretty rich jersey history, this one falls a bit flat.

As for the Kings things look a bit dull. But thankfully that’s not a bad thing. They brought back the old logo, from when the Kings still had purple on their jerseys, which I like, even if it wasn’t all that popular back then.

The solid grey main is reminiscent of the grey that existed in the Kings logo from the 90’s, which I also like. The sleeve stripes are black and white and thankfully run all the way around the arm, providing a nicer look than the Ducks jersey.

I’m also liking the black shoulder yoke. The points at the bottom are something I don’t think we’ve seen before this jersey. Also note the “LA” patch, on BOTH shoulders this time. Clearly they’re playing up the cross-town rivalry with these patches.

The font on the back doesn’t look out of place at all, and is almost exactly the same as the font on their current jerseys.

Now this is the kind of jersey you make for a game like this. The colours and style hark back to different eras of the Kings existence, and blend together nicely. It’s cool to see that early 2000’s logo make its way back and see some of the 90’s grey again. My only real criticism of this jersey is the lack of purple. Man it would’ve been nice if they could have fit it in somehow.

These jerseys will be in action on January 25th. Don’t miss it.

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