
Welcome to Frank on Sports, a blog about sports, by a guy named Frank. Clever, isn’t it?

For years I’ve been a very opinionated sports fan, but never really had an outlet for it. In the midst of an insanely frustrating Leafs season (2013), I finally cracked and fired up a blog. I named it Kessel’s Lumberyard, a nod to a bench-clearing brawl in the preseason where Phil Kessel (our Lord and Saviour, The Phil) hacked at the ankles of the goony redwood that is John Scott. The blog was almost entirely Leafs-centric, save for the occasional post about issues on the larger hockey scale.

Fast-forward to now, and the blog has expanded, and I’m covering all types of sports now. Beyond hockey, I’ll be covering football, baseball, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, and anything else in between. From the big issues to the tiny overblown crap, if I have an opinion on it, you’ll probably find it here. Follow me on Twitter @FrankDTweets

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